New Features For The Month of December
First and foremost, thank you for being a member of the Cerenade Family. Because of clients like you, we are committed to providing a best-in-class user experience with our industry leading solutions.
With a new month comes new features. This month we introduce the ability to link a client as an Interpreter, Custom Fields can now show up in the General Info section of a client profile, Uploaded PDFs can be viewed instantly in a client or case profile, Sending Passwordless Intake Forms in another language got even easier, and an enhancement made to Mail!Anywhere makes it easier to link your Microsoft Exchange Online email.
Linking Clients as Interpreters
With this update you can now link a client as an Interpreter to a case. In doing so, their information can now transfer into forms asking for Interpreter’s Information. This will come in handy when wanting to import a relative not only as a Petitioner, or other, but as an Interpreter as well.
To view how it works, click here
Adding Custom Fields to The General Info Section of The Client Profile.
You can now move Custom Fields into the General Info section of the client’s profile. In doing so, you can now create “the ideal General Info Page,” bringing over any important Custom Fields you created.
On how to create Custom Fields, click here
To view how to move them to the General Info section, click here
View Uploaded PDFs in the Client/Case Profile
We’ve enhanced the ability to view Uploaded PDFs in a client or case profile. In doing so, you can instantly view the contents of a PDF directly on eIMMIGRATION. To use this feature on uploaded PDF documents, hover over the select/actions dropdown and select “View” (see image to the right). A pop-up will appear allowing you to view the PDF.
Linking Microsoft Exchange Online Email Made Easier
We’ve enhanced how to link your Microsoft Exchange Online email account, making it easier to link your email account and be able to save important emails in the client or case profile. This can be done by going to the document section, adding a document, clicking the file location and selecting the Microsoft Exchange Online option. You will be asked to log in using your Microsoft Exchange credentials and once connected, you will be able to save any email and attachment to the client or case profile. This can be done if subscribed to the Mail! Anywhere Optional Module