In order to use the trust account feature, you need to have the Billing module activated in your license. Billing is an Add-on Module which can be requested by contacting your sales representative.


  1. To access the Trust Account feature, open a client profile, then click on Billing, then Trust Account.
  2. To add to the trust account, click the Add Transaction button.
  3. Select the Type of transaction (for your first transaction, you will only see "credit" as an option, as you cannot have a negative trust account to start.  Once you add a credit transaction, and have a balance greater than zero; you will also see "debit" as an option). Also enter in a Description for the transaction, as well as the Amount. Click Save.
  4. Once the transaction has been saved, you will see the item in the transaction list, along with the available balance.
  5. After a trust account has been set up, you can use it as a payment method on an invoice.  To do this, either create a new invoice, or go to a pre-existing invoice. Next, hover over the Select button and click Add Payment. Note that the invoice MUST have a balance greater than zero.
  6. For the Type of transaction, choose Trust Account.  The page will refresh to show you the available balance in the trust account.  Next, enter the amount of the trust balance you'd like to apply to the invoice.  Click Add Payment.
  7. You will be taken back to the invoice list, and the payment amount will reflect the trust account application.
  8. Next, go back to the client profile>trust account and note that the transaction processed in the above steps has been recorded.
  9. As referenced in step 3, at this point you can click the Add Transaction button shown in the screen above, and add more to the Trust Account in the form of a Credit.  Or, you can debit the trust account, and remove money from it as well.
  10. Finally, if your client has client-access, and you've given them the ability to access billing via the client portal, you can choose to enable/disable access to deposit funds into their Trust Account. To do this, navigate to the client profile, click on the Client-Access tab, and toggle the "Allow Deposit Fund to Trust Account" option. Click the Update button when ready.