NOTE: Global Smart Alerts (i.e. Smart Alerts that apply to all clients/cases) can be created via the administrative tools. Smart Alerts can also be created on a per client/case basis. For our video on Smart Alerts, click here.




  1. From the Administrative Tools, click on either Global Client Alerts or Global Case Alerts. In this article, we'll work with Global Case Alerts.
  2. Click on the Add Alert.
  3. In the resulting pop-up, set the alert type. The difference is is the notification bar color.
    1. Danger = Red
    2.  Warning=Yellow
    3. Info=Blue
    4. Success=Green
  4. Select either Basic or Advanced.
    1. Basic allows you to enter a message that will appear anytime you open the profile.
    2. Advanced allows you to set a specific criteria that will trigger the alert to appear (i.e. the alert won't show unless that criteria is met).
  5. Once your Global Alerts have been saved, navigate to a case profile within the Caseworker portal. Once there, the global alerts will appear when you open the case. NOTE: Global alerts can only be deleted or edited within Administrative tools. While viewing a client or case profile, they are read only.
  6. If you close the Case Alert pop-up, you can see the active alerts by clicking the bell icon next to the case header.




  1. On any client or case profile, you can also set alerts specific to that given profile. To do so, click on the bell icon next to the profile header.
  2. Click the Add Alert button.
  3. In the resulting pop-up, set the alert type. The difference is is the notification bar color.
    1. Danger = Red
    2.  Warning=Yellow
    3. Info=Blue
    4. Success=Green
  4. Select either Basic or Advanced.
    1. Basic allows you to enter a message that will appear anytime you open the profile.
    2. Advanced allows you to set a specific criteria that will trigger the alert to appear (i.e. the alert won't show unless that criteria is met).
  5. To delete any profile specifc alerts, click the Trash Can icon next to the alert.