e-Filing is an add-on module that allows you to quickly populate data into certain e-File-able forms. The e-Filing component is a program that will need to be downloaded and installed on your computer. Once it is installed, you will not need to log in to the eimmigration AIR website in order to e-File a form. This component is only compatible with Microsoft Windows based PCs. If you are interested in learning more about the e-Filing module, please contact your sales manager. For our E-Filing video, click here.

  1. From the Forms tab of a case, identify the form that's ready to be scheduled for e-Filing.
  2. Lock the form.
  3. Now you're ready to schedule it for e-filing. Click on the Schedule link.
  4. You can see the Schedule link changed to Scheduled and you can choose to cancel it.
  5. Log in to the e-Filing module.
  6. Click on the form you wish to eFile.