Within the Caseworker Portal's Client Profile section, you can track important documents (along with their expiration dates, which appear in the tickler) such as the I-94s, Visas, and Passports. There is also another document tab that allows for data tracking, and that would the User-Defined documents section. This tab allows for tracking other important documents and their expiration dates. It is labeled as User Defined because via administrative tools, you can add documents to this list.


  1. Navigate to the Administrative Tools.
  2. Click on Custom Document Types.
  3. Click Add Custom Document Type.
  4. Enter in the document name, and click Save.
  5. Repeat steps 3 & 4 until you have entered in all of your user defined documents.


After you have completed the above steps, you can log in to the Caseworker Portal, and track these user defined documents via the client profile:


  1. From within a client profile, click Documents, then click the User-Defined folder.
  2. Click Add Document.
  3. Use the Document Type drop down to choose one of the documents you added in steps 1-5.
  4. Once you've saved the document item, a sub folder will be created for that document along with any other entries for that document type.