e-Filing is an add-on module that allows you to quickly populate data into certain e-File-able forms. The e-Filing component is a program that will need to be downloaded and installed on your computer. Once it is installed, you will not need to log in to the eimmigration website in order to e-File a form. This component is only compatible with Microsoft Windows based PCs. If you are interested in learning more about the e-Filing module, please contact your sales manager. For our E-Filing video, click here.


  1. Click on the eFiling module.
  2. Click on Launch.
  3. Your computer will now either begin the download or prompt you to either run or save the download. Click Run if prompted. The program will run, and install.

  4. Open the e-Filer application that's been installed on your device. Choose your Website type (you can choose either between or depending on service you're using). Enter your Website Name. The website name is the your office's virtual directory (for example, if youre site URL that you use to access the application is, the website name you'd enter would be ABCLAWFIRM).
  5. Enter your caseworker credentials and click Login.
  6. Please note that now that the e-Filer program has successfully been installed on your computer, you do not need to open a browser and log in to eimmigration to use the module. There will be an application icon in your applications list, along with a shortcut on your desktop.